A yarn bowl, as least for a few of us, might seem to be one of those luxuries in knitting that is really unnecessary. I recently wrote about having two and my friend here in town also purchased me one so now I have three. A few years back if someone had suggested I would really love having that many I might very well have argued, no, they aren't that useful. That is until you use one. Knitting is a process; one starts with string and a pair of needles and makes something with it. This takes time and most knitters I know like to have the project of the day close at hand. Thus the project is either tossed in some sort of bag with the rest of the skeins or WIPS OR placed wherever the knitter sits. Both options come with certain hazards. A ball of yarn bouncing around in a bag full of other skeins or other projects can get tangled. Leaving a pair of needles with the project in a chair, you can imagine the dangers this creates. So I ha...
Getting it together one stitch at a time.