It is that time of year, and it always happens this time of year, when there are real knitting deadlines. Xmas comes on an exact date allowing for no fudging around a day or two or week or two on either side; Xmas is set. And the thing is, that date does not change like many other major holidays; December 25 is unflappable. Yet it seems every year I plan a bit more than I can actually deliver. My internal mood is not as much stress as it is disappointment with my poor planning ability. Yet I have this Peter Pan idea that everything will get done, even though inside it seems too wishful and not as rooted in reality as I'd like. The world of possibilities is the world I most enjoy occupying apparently.
I thought I would check through the blog since it has been around now for many Xmas's and see what I said about this time of year in the past. Sure enough there was a post in
2014 and now this one. There seems to be a pattern, one unchanged in five years (And it is much longer than that. This has been a practice well before the blog came into being.)
This year my knitting frenzy has come even earlier because I am in Minneapolis
now and it is so much easier to drop gifts off than it is to mail them from Canada. I leave in a few days and currently I am in full OCD knitting mode.
Since these are gifts I won't show you the full picture, yet. All these things, they need to be finished in a few days:
This one is at least off the needles
See all those loose ends, they need to be woven in. |
Only 3 of 5 done with #4 barely started |
Still working on this one with one more to knit! |
Time is even more exasperated because I am having lunch out with friends, going to test drive spinning wheels and writing this blog post. I should be knitting! But then all these other fun things are important too. There is a base cause and it isn't these events.
should be better organized, but right now, I am not. In the creative realm I can lose perspective, which is perhaps why I like it so much. It quiets the clock in my head, except when there are deadlines. Maybe next year I will be able to plan this enterprise better, but then I have said that for the last four years. The good thing is I have practice in working it all out because that too has been done in the past as well.
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