I have already been in Minneapolis over two months and have about a month left. (I am travelling out of the U.S. for a couple of weeks in August, so that's how it seems my math might be off. Thanks for asking, though.). How can that be? When I first got here it seemed as though I had lots and lots of time, now it seems a bit cramped.
There has been a fair amount of furniture buying online meaning a fair amount of (@$!?&) assembling being done. I do love the satisfaction of looking at a piece and thinking, hey, I put that together, but during the process relying on those not so helpful pictographs, leads to dissatisfaction as I put together, take apart and reconstruct a piece. Here's photos of the desk, buffet, bookcase and stools I managed to put together and have used without any collapses.
My glass desk where the writing takes place |
The buffet which holds my glasses as well as wine and liquour under those orchid paintings |
The bookcase with some family photos and a colour wheel; oh, and the needle basket my Dad gave me. |
There are two of these so I can put my shoes on safely |
As for knitting, I am knitting pinwheels to add to the wall hanging. They are mindless and travel easily. There is also a second Dummy Clap which is about three-quarters complete, it will be showcased later when it is done and showing off in all its beautiful.
Finally, as I mentioned on FB, I spent the 4th of July on the grass lawn of a local private college (Macalester College) watching Garrison Keillor do his program,
A Prairie Home Companion and also starting his 41st year
of doing said program. He is such a quintessential Minnesotan, self-deprecating and so careful not to offend. The program consists of folksy songs and storytelling with his style garnering him followers across the U.S. The program is broadcast on the Public Broadcasting System twice on the weekends, live on Saturdays and repeated again on Sundays so I experienced it twice, just for good measure. Keillor is 72 and rumour has it he is looking for a host to take his spot so he can retire. I am so happy my daughter-in-law made all the arrangements and worked with my son to both pick me up and return me home after the event. Perhaps July 4th is the last time I will get to see him perform live.
A small part of the crowd; it filled the main quad area of the campus |
Keillor greeting folks before the performance in his red tennis shoes (runners) |
With the Macalester Pipe Band for my SFU friends |
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