This is my personal public announcement that Saturday, June 13, 2015, is World Wide Knit in Public Day. Yes, this decade long event encourages knitters to leave the privacy of their homes and enter into the world carrying their knitting to join other knitters doing the same thing. Knitters from Australia, China, England, Finland, France, Ireland, Norway, South Africa, Sweden and the U.S. plus other countries will be participating. I know where I will be for a few hours tomorrow. Should you need more info about the event check out
this website. And if you need to see if there is an event happening in your area, the same site can help answer your questions as well.
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My table is now free for dining. The Eastlake Dummy Clap shawl/scarf is dry and ready for its own photo shot. Since today is gorgeous I tried for a few different outside and inside shots. As you might have imagined I am trying to up my game with photography. Here's the best of those efforts.
I like this photo because of the lighting, but it doesn't show off the Dummy Clap very well. |
Inside the colours are washed out despite no flash |
Stretched over a bench. It is OK, but the exposure even with adjustments is just too much |
This angular shot is interesting, but it focuses on the wrong side of the thing |
My favorite |
This is it for the Dummy Clap. It is a quick knit that carries a certain WOW factor. I so love the colours this one will stay with me. So it really isn't goodbye for me, but rather to you.
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