Yesterday while watching the final two episodes of Mad Men, with a friend, I cast off the last row of Blue. It seems to take about an hour and one-half. (BTW, thanks, Nancy for watching the last two episodes a second time for my sake.) What a satisfying act, putting closure on something started in November 2014. The blocked size is 61 inches across the longest edge and 30.5 inches down the spine, putting it at almost exactly the same size as my first Ashton.
With all the complaining I did about poor Blue you might think I am not very fond of it, but that is not true. It seems I was doing so much complaining because I really, really like Blue and perhaps that's the way it is sometimes. We show affection by pointing out areas of imperfection or where improvements could be made, that if only they were changed things could be perfect. And Blue is wonderful. The yarn, Fantastic Knitting's Zephyr Lace, is feathery light; remember the entire skein is only 2 ounces. When Blue and I went outside today to get a good photo there was a light breeze and as I placed the shawl its tips fluttered in the breeze and would bump into my hand like a butterfly's wing. Yes, the shawl has me breaking into metaphors.
I showed it to someone who doesn't know knitting or lace work and the beads are so non-intrusive I had to point them out to her. When she saw them she was amazed at Blue one more time.
It seemed appropriate to give you a look of Blue before it was blocked, a second during the blocking process and then a couple others to find the perfect photo to show it off.
Unblocked, waiting for its bath |
All stretched into shape |
Hero Shot I sticking to the rough raw wood fence |
Hero Shot II draped on my gray couch |
In about a month Blue will be going to its new owner so we will be parting ways. I am going to miss her (note Blue moved from "it" to "her" in only two short paragraphs) but perhaps I can now move on with a clear conscience to other things currently on needles. Bye, bye, Blue. Enjoy Jami!
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