In yesterday's post there were listed several WIPs on my 2015 knitting list. All of these projects have been hanging around for some time and weigh heavily on my knitting psyche. Yesterday I decided there was a need to finish something; one of those projects simply had to be done. So I picked the easy one and did just that.
The ¨O¨ scarf is now completed except for the drying process. Yesterday the grey block was finished as well as the final set of ¨Os¨. Last night I added the fringe and to my surprise it actually does a wonderful job of closing up the openings at both ends as well as completely covering the cast-on and bind-off rows. I went to bed happy that at least one thing on my knitting to do list for 2015 was knit and less that two weeks after Xmas. (You might remember the scarf was meant to be one of Paul's Xmas gifts.)
This morning I started the blocking process. It required the use of a colour sheet, a product I didn't know existed until this project required it. More than a few grocery stores were searched for them and finally at one big box store I found this.
My colour collector sheets |
The scarf with the sheet had to soak for 20 minutes which of course cleans the scarf but also blooms the wool, helps hide the glitches in the colour work and allows for easy shaping.
Soaking in a red bucket |
Below is a photo of the sheet after it was used on top and a clean sheet at the bottom. The used sheet has a pink tinge to it, but my camera (a new one BTW) had trouble deciphering it. Perhaps the 2 tablespoons of white vinegar also recommended in the pattern helped the bright red wool colour (oops it is supposed to be scarlet) to set. Whatever the reason I am happy the grey was not impacted by the soak.
Can you see the slight pink at the top of the photo? |
Finally the pinning was done. Mike, the cat, decided helping me was part of his business. Even though the scarf was damp he was very happy to rest on it. You can see the pins and measuring tape used to get the scarf properly shaped.
Mike is such a help holding in place both sides. |
The blocked scarf measures 82 inches/208 cm sans the fringe. If the fringe is counted add another 14 inches/37 cm. This is longer than Paul had hoped but he understands the design required the extra length. Finally, the fringe might be clipped; we'll decide that after it is dry.
Happily drying on the dining room table with plastic mats below it |
For today I am content that at least one thing is done, concluded, taken off the WIP list. My urge for completion has subsided for now. And BTW, Merry Xmas, Paul!
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