Just after I posted yesterday Pam sent me photos of her
Elder Tree Shawl. Here it is just off the needles and needing to be blocked.
Pam's flawless first shawl |
As you can see her shawl takes on a triangular shape typical of ones knit from the top down, just like mine. You can see the spine down the middle and the lovely picot edging she used to bind off. Pam also added beads there; take a closer look to see them.
A picot bind off is accomplished by adding a small number of stitches (2-3 or so depending how deep or long one wishes the point to be) at the start of the row and then binds off the added as well as a couple more of the regular stitches. You repeat this process across the row. Watch this
video for more details. Of course the tricky part for Pam was figuring out just where in this process to add the tiny little pearl bead. She said it took a bit of fiddling but once she had it under control everything moved along quickly. I can't wait to see her shawl when it is blocked.
As for me, I've been happily wearing my Ashton outside and inside the house. Today I paired it with a light coloured blouse so the design can really been seen. The beads, located at the points and embedded in one set of leaves, and shawl pin are really the star of this photo.
Ashton #1 in use |
Enough now about my first lace shawl. I have moved on to another. For reasons even I cannot explain I have been purchasing good lace yarn on sale for some time. It seems consistent with my personality with intentions getting ahead of reality at times. At any rate, there was a lovely hand-dyed dusty rose coloured lace yarn purchased this spring with the hope to use it to make a shawl for a friend who is particularly fond of pink. (Yes, you know who you are.) This lace weight is finer than the fingering used in my first shawl. My friend is a petite person so this shawl made with finer wool will also be more petite than the first. And the beads will be placed on this shawl just like mine. I did like doing that technique.
Ashton #2, pretty in pink. |
This one seems so easy in comparison to the first which is a left-handed way of saying learning took place the last time around. I am approximately one-third done and have yet to make a single mistake, or at least that was the case when Pam and I talked this morning on the phone. I was bragging about how I hadn't used a lifeline and wasn't counting either because things were moving along so fine. After that conversation I knit two rows and have done something wrong. (The price one pays for being a braggart.) But I do have a sense this second lace shawl will be completed in much less than one month's time. There should be more space in my day for writing and knitting other things as well.
What is the old adage about learning a new word? If you use it three times you will be able to add it successfully to your vocabulary. I'm hoping this also holds for knitting skills, or at least that is my intention in making a second shawl so quickly. I want to add the ability to successfully knit lace to my knitting vocabulary. So I'm back for round 2 in pink.
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