It started on Wednesday, October 19 when I received the following e-mail from
my LYS:
Sat Oct 22 thru Fri Oct 28 we will celebrate our 3rd Anniversary at Black Sheep Yarns by offering you up to 50% off selected yarns. Each $20 purchase entitles you to an entry into our raffle for door prizes!
I told myself no, you shouldn't go, don't go. My stash is already too big.
View from my living room on Saturday, October 22 about 8 am |
But then I got up this morning and the weather was wet, again. I know, what a shock it is rainy in greater Vancouver this time of year. And Paul is off taping 4 episodes of
his show all day so I'm left here alone with my obsession and a 50% sale on selected yarns starting at 10 am.
I fight it telling myself what I really need to do is organize my stash, again, so I can find the cotton or wool or specially coloured stuff when I need it. Do I do any of that, you ask? No, of course not. But I do think about organizing and decide I must purchase some clear bags so I can pull an entirely coordinated batch of yarn out of a bin at one time instead of pawing through everything every time I am looking for something specific. I leave home with a plan: wash the car (yup, we wash our cars here when it rains otherwise they wouldn't get washed for months at a time), stop for the clear plastic bags, run a few other errands and come straight home.
The problem with this plan is I have to drive right by my LYS to get the things on my list accomplished. As I drive by I see all the cars parked in front of my shop and panic. There must be people in there snatching up the great buys and here I am letting it happen. My perfect yarn could be on sale and it will be all gone if I don't stop to make sure, now. All of a sudden I find myself parked and walking into the crowded shop. And once inside near the back of the shop, (insert that string harmony that always plays when one finally sees the light) there it is on sale 50% off, the perfect yarn. I need to take a moment to savor this; it is so great! I have been looking for over 4 years for just the right yarn to make myself the Summer Swing Jacket found on the Lion Brand web site. (Yes, it is crocheted, I know, I'm over it.)
So I succumbed again, thus my SABLE. Anyway here it is
The newest addition - a Rowan felted wool |
Making something for myself is rare and this will have to wait because of the Christmas gift rush that seems to hit me about this time every year. But I now have the pattern and the yarn for ME. Yeah! Thanks LYS for tempting me, I think. And perhaps I'll win a raffle door prize, or is that asking for too much?
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