I have been on the farm with Mom and in Minneapolis with family and friends for the past couple of weeks. There are so many things to bring to you that you'll find this post is full of lots and lots of pictures. Let's start with an update on my version of Burnished by Tin Can Knits. I took it with me to Wisconsin and wore it with a gray top and blue jeans on a day out with Mom and my aunt Lucille. One knows the right pattern has been paired with the right colours when all three of us love it. Lucille was offered my Burnished and she took it, and Mom after a bit of nudging agreed it would be fine if I used my leftover yarn to make her one as well. It will be on the needles soon. (Sorry I didn't capture Lucille with Burnished on.) My friend, Jami, is a poet and she recently published a set of poems about her nephew in a chapbook. She had asked me if I could bring it to Minneapolis and take pictures of it in any artistic way that met my f...
Getting it together one stitch at a time.